Saturday, October 20, 2012

De La Salle University 2013 Research Congress: Call for Abstracts

Just got this in the mail

Research Congress 2013
Organized by De La Salle University
March 7-9, 2013


Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 20, 2012

The Research  Congress 2013 (formerly the Science and Technology Congress) is an annual event organized by De La Salle University which will be held on March 7-9, 2013. This year’s theme is A Commitment to Serve: Lasallian Research for the Next 100 Years”. The congress provides an opportunity for researchers, educators and students to disseminate their research outputs and a venue for discussion and exchange of new ideas and application experiences, and to find partners for future collaboration. 

We invite the academic community, our partners and research collaborators to submit abstracts on research related to Science and Technology, Technopreneurship, and on Food, Nutrition and Health. Research papers in the academic disciplines and other allied fields are also welcome. A ONE-PAGE abstract of approximately 400-500 words must clearly state the problem, objectives, methodology, discussion of results and conclusion. Accepted abstracts will be presented during the parallel sessions of the congress, and its full papers will be published in the proceedings in CD form.
Submission steps and important guidelines:
Abstract Submission
Opens: October 19, 2012
Closes: November 21, 2012
Notification: December 15, 2012
Submission of Full Paper:  February 6, 2013 (camera-ready full paper)
The corresponding authors are requested to select the research  area listed below that best describes the abstract to be submitted. Abstracts are then to be submitted at the following addresses corresponding to the area selected:

Research  Area
Address for submission
Food, Nutrition and Health
Human Centric Technology
Learners and Learning Innovations
Women, Children and Family
Environment, Energy and Sustainability

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

General Format:
·         The ONE-PAGE Abstract should have a 12 point Times New Roman font, single-spaced  with 1-inch margins (side and top/bottom)
·         The document should be submitted as either word document or pdf file. Send the abstract to the correct address corresponding to the relevant topic area listed above.
Abstract Title:
·         Title should be concise and clearly identify the nature of the study.
·         The title should be in ALL CAPS, using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Center the title on the page.
·         List all authors two lines below title (still centered), in normal 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
·         List the institutional or organizational affiliation on a new line after each author’s name
·         Text should start on the left-hand side of the page two lines below the author’s name

Kindly refer to the following downloadable sample abstract and full paper.

You are all invited to participate in the 2013 Research Congress. You may email for pre-registration. Kindly send the filled up downloadable registration form on or before March  1, 2013.

For inquiries you may email to

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