Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Alan Turing in Manila - from Ambassador Lillie

I've been having a busy week but was able to go to the reception at Ambassador Lillie's residence. David Chalmers and some of the participants were there. When I'm less busy I'll probably write about that.  Anyway, here is a passage from Ambassador Lillie's blog:

"This week saw one of the Philippines’ most prestigious universities host 'Turing 2012', a commemoration and celebration of the British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing.
I was delighted to deliver the opening remarks at De La Salle University-Manila and to host a reception later at my Residence for participants and international speakers in the conference.
100 years after his birth in 2012, Alan Turing is probably most widely known in his own country for his work during the Second World War at Bletchley Park, Britain’s wartime code-breaking centre."

[The page is here:]

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